In general, a nickname is a descriptive name given in place of or in addition to the official name of a person, place or thing. But in our family the word nicknackname is we use the word ever since Brianna gave nickname a nickname.
My husband is “the nicknacknamer.” If you spend much time with him, sooner or later you will find yourself with one. For him, they are terms of endearment although the receiver might not necessarily love the moniker or even like it for that matter.
Sometimes they are inspired by the person’s own given name as in the case of Roxa-tawny for Roxanne or WOw for Wiley Orton. They can have something to do with talents or professions as in the case of Metal Badge for Brother Cash. (I believe it came about in relation to Woodbadge, though I don’t fully understand the leap.) The nicknames can also be seemingly random as in the case of my own nicknackname Face. All of our girls have several nicknacknames. My personal favorites are EEEEEEsha, for Tricia; Bird for Melanie; Cheed for Cherylyn; Non for Brianna.
The nicknackname gene was strong in his family growing up. Among his brothers, it seems they all have a talent for it. In our own family, however, it appears to have skipped a generation. We are eagerly waiting to see if it reappears among our grandkids. Although they are all still young, we do have our first suspected nicknacknamer…

At age two, she already has her first two nicknacknames under her belt.
Although my grandkids generally call me Nanamoo or Nana, she calls me NEEEEENA.
She has also dubbed her sister, Courtney, as CoCo.