She was 6 weeks early. Dare I admit that I weighed 102 pounds before I delivered? I had been very sick early on in the pregnancy and had only just gained back that weight. I had hopes of bulking up the last six weeks, but then, I woke up in the middle of the night. I was hoping that the pain would just go away. It didn’t, not for twenty-six hours. I went all natural, and in spite of her tininess, ultimately weighing in at 4 pounds and 13 ounces, she was mighty. Her lungs were fully developed, but they kept her in the intensive care because of jaundice for five days. Melanie was my first nursing baby and I had to “make a deal” with the doctor that I would bring her in to be weighed every few days. Apart from that adventure, which lasted only a short time, I was confined to the house for 6 weeks (near torturous for me) but, I did it. On December 2, her actual due date, she made her debut and was blessed.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to Melanie and happy day to remember to the parents!
102 pounds? Really? Wow Debbie!
Brennan had a similar story, being 6 weeks early, but mighty, none the less.
Thanks moo! It was fun hearing my little story and seeing those oldie, but goodie pics. I think I look like Nolan on Santa's lap. Good times. :)
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