Also known as Garden Bloggers Bloom Day (GBBD). I am not really a garden blogger, but I still enjoy this monthly tradition of photographing whatever is blooming in the garden. My poor garden has had so little care the past few months. Apart from when the Claytons have taken care of has had no love. Nevertheless, it did not disappoint today. And some showoffs appeared today just so that they could be featured in the photo shoot. For example:
This one...and she brought six of her friends along with!
The bottlebrush tree is just starting to show.
I loved the poppies growing wild that we saw when we lived overseas. They grew really well in California too. When I spotted a seed packet, I decided to try them again. I now know that I was trying to grow them in the wrong season previously. It is too hot in Florida to grow them in the summertime as they do elsewhere.
Another winter favorite in Florida that I am so pleased to finally have had some success with is cilantro!
The Swedish fig baskets are still beautiful!

These are two flowers from the garden show that are blooming their heads off for me!
The bougainvillea shows her colored leaves year round and deserves a shout out now and then!
I have green beans growing...not very many, but I am delighted with my farming pursuits this winter anyway.
The other day when I saw flowers on the sweet peas, it was so exciting. The flowers are deep purple, but obviously camera shy. I have hope for peas at some point!
My Seguine grandkids will be thrilled to know that there are loads of tangerines and oranges ready and waiting for them to pick!