Tuesday, August 26, 2008


A definition for luck is that which happens which is beyond a person's control.

So it wasn't bad luck that my class was horrible today. Because they are a group of kids about seven years old and I could make them behave...couldn't I?

And it wasn't bad luck that I forgot that I had organized a YW Presidency meeting at my home this evening and then promptly forgot all about it. When the first person arrived, I was completely clueless, although delighted to see her, as I asked, "What are you doing here?" No, I could have written it down and checked my agenda...couldn't I?

664px-Four-leaf_clover But it was my good luck that those wonderful women did not make me feel badly for even one second, in spite of my inefficiency. They put their shoulders to the wheel and plowed through our tasks at hand. They are such a blessing to me! and to the YW in our ward!!!

It wasn't bad luck that they refused to let me vote tonight. I did go to the Mt. Dora Library to vote this afternoon, but they only do early voting and today was election day, so I had to go to my real polling place. But, I could have arrived at that polling place at 6:59pm instead of 7:00pm...couldn't I?

None of these are big things, I know. Its just that I am feeling a little off my game lately.


SpaceyKasey said...

Sounds like you need a night with my good friends Ben and Jerry. Although let's be real, it's hard to imagine you "off your game."

P.S. Loved the blog book. Thanks for bringing it Sat.

debbie said...

You might have a run of bad luck or an off day, but you have mad skillz. It won't be long before those kids are under control.

I think it is the barometric pressure that gives everyone a bad day. We'll see next week when Gustav comes through.

Melody said...

Well, I know you're amazing even when you're having 'bad luck'. With that said, I am sure that you will put your shoulder to the wheel and not look back.

You are such an inspiration to me!

Jordan Mathews said...

I feel that way all the time :)