Saturday, August 21, 2010

saturday stake conference

My least favorite weeks of the year, at least for the past eight years, are the weeks of stake conference. I have actually had three least favorite weeks this year. Experience reminds me to recall the scripture that teaches after the trial comes the blessing. And that was how I dealt with distractions this week and just tried to carry on.

We had a small dinner party between the Saturday sessions of conference and got to know the new mission President and his wife, the Halls.

Danette Williams came and visited with me and helped out with all the finishing touches while our husbands were at the Priesthood session.

I actually love the conference days. They are among my favorite days of the year. They are wonderful and it is a blessing to have the opportunity of seeing all the hard work and effort come to life.

Dinner turned out well
and conference
                            ...was awesome!


debbie said...

The dessert looks nice. Glad I got to sample. Hope they enjoyed.

Melody said...

Your table and the dessert looks wonderful!

I'm with you, conference was awesome!