Wednesday, November 05, 2008

a travel day

Sometimes Doug is cranky when we travel. I think it just takes him a while to unwind. But, in addition to that, he is sick with that nasty cough throat thing that is going around.  DSC03297

We just did carry on luggage to save ourselves the $45 luggage fee that is a  relatively new airline charge and soooo annoying. But when we went to get on the second leg of our flight the attendant told him he had to check his bag. Ummm. How did she think he got it to Dallas? This is also really interesting because he has 5 million air miles with American and has used his suitcase as a carry-on for 15 years! They made him check it. images

When we got to Vegas and he went to pay for our rental car, he realized that he had left his credit card at the restaurant that we ate at in the Orlando Airport. I checked last night and again this morning. Apparently no one is charging on it. I called the restaurant and they said that they give it a couple of hours and then throw them away. It would be a little bit more helpful, if they would actually write down the names on the cards that they dispose of, don't you think?

I wonder how secure I should feel about that!? But of course changing the card means hours of changing all our automatic billings. Not for him, mind you. Ahhhhhhhhh....


Rae said...

How FRUSTRATING!!!! Everything, all around!! I hope your return flights go well!!!

Melody said...


You're such a great wife! :)

I hope he starts feeling better soon so all of you can have a great time!

Gramma Seguine said...

I am so sorry!! I travel with a cranky person, too, sometimes--and heaven help us if the credit card gets lost--I might have to move!!