Brianna, Melena and Jensen earned a bronze medal for their paddling prowess today. Competing in just over two minutes. The gold medalists were about ten seconds faster, but there were others who were about five minutes slower!
Megan and my husband were sporting their Minnow Club shirts tonight. You do have to actually eat a minnow to earn one. He did it a couple of years ago. He said he had to because all the girls were chanting, and so he succumbed to the pressure. I'll tell you what (no shocker here) no amount of peer pressure would induce me to eat one of those slimy nasty things!
Presidents Carter and Ingalls paddling across the lake to the 4th year campsite where President Ingalls will...
...earn his shirt.
And finally, just a reminder that they are at girl's camp in Florida. We were playing spot-to-spot tonight, on the back of one of our girls, with mosquito bites! or maybe it was those yellow flies that got her!?
The weather was actually really lovely tonight. I personally had a great time hanging out with the girls who were positive and fun and almost made me want to sleep over! And apparently, the bugs got all they wanted today because I came home sans bites. Oh yes!
Ewww. I am with you. No t-shirt is worth eating a minnow! That was fun last night. I am looking forward to tonight's skits!
What harm could a little minnow cause? Consider yourself officially double-dog-dared, not that it will do any good. :)
How fun!
I'll have to show this blog to my daughter - her first girl's camp experience is coming up...I'm so glad she wanted to go!
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