I am thankful for a group of girls that I can trust and for their kind and generous spirits. I am thankful for Wanda, who was willing to laugh and play with the girls all hours of the day and night. I am thankful for the women who serve with me day in and day out, week after week. Stephanie, Roxanne, and Debbie always do whatever it takes. I am grateful for Linda, Betsy and Susan who are so supportive of all the girls in our area. They are the most positive and helpful people. And I am especially thankful for the camp director, Amy, who is just an amazing woman and it is a privilege to know her.
I feel that they are the the type of people Elder Eyring was talking about when he that that they are"true servants and angels." They are helping the girls along the lighted path. They have made that path brighter for my camper and for me.
Thank you for the kind words.
Brianna is awesome
She is such a wonderful girl. Her picrure is beautiful. She reminds me of a Ralph Lauren ad with the all-american girl.
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